Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A few you should really look into

"A new regulation that went into effect on July 1 threatens small businesses with fines from the Internal Revenue Service of up to $36,500 a year per employee, if the businesses help their employees with health costs by reimbursing them for the cost of their healthcare premiums or by paying for their health costs directly."
They are going to get their Single Payer system no matter what. That is basically what this boils down to.

"As China’s stock exchanges plunge in a panic that has been likened to the 1929 US stock market crash that set off the Great Depression, Bloomberg is reporting that China’s Securities Regulatory Commission has enacted a six-month ban on sales of shares by investors who hold over a 5% stake in a listed company. Under the new policy, executives and directors of listed companies are also banned from selling their shares during the next six months."
Good thing that's not legal for the Government to do here. Right?

"Slavery appeared alongside the agricultural revolution some 12,000 years ago, when humanity went from hunting and gathering to a sedentary and more hierarchical society. With the appearance of agriculture and animal husbandry came the first abundance, and along with it the material advantage of owning another person."
Number 9, Number 6 and Number 1 are the MOST interesting ones.

"The Senate Intelligence Committee has approved a new measure which would force social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to report content that is believed to be connected to “terrorist activity”.

The Washington Post reported that the measure will be included as part of the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2016. The Senate Intelligence Committee approved the measure in a closed session on Wednesday July 1st. The measure is supposed to help intelligence and law enforcement officials detect terror threats."

Uhhh here is my question. Who gets to decide what is and isn't "Terrorist Activity"? There are people on the left who have been saying anyone who speaks badly of Obama is a terrorist, they also say anyone who owns a firearm should be arrested and killed because they are terrorists. Who Decides?

"Throughout history empires have been formed through war and great tactics. However, many forget the toll that this takes on a nation’s citizens. Foreign nations and their people are not the only ones that are forced to reckon with a hegemonic power. American citizens have also had to pay the price of a government that may not always respect its own people."
Make your own determination on this one. But also I think the PATCON should have been added under the COINTELPRO heading myself.

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