Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hickok45 -

I have written about the .38/.357 for many years myself now. One of my articles I posted with a different video by Hickok45 before as well.

Hickok45 - Colt Trooper MKIII

I originally published that article minus Hickok45's video over on Alpha Rubicon. I don't know if it's on the front page anymore, but the lnk I posted above goes to my posting here on the blog.

I have also posted about how I prefer the .38/.357 for a survival/preparedness firearm.

Caliber Wars

Too many people, myself included will have multiple calibers and multiple firearms and yet when it comes to a situation where you need to grab your stuff and either hunker down or go you can't be carrying a dozen calibers plus weapons to fire them.

So while I DO have 5.56 and 7.62X54R and .45 ACP and .32 ACP and even other calibers. I still prefer .38/.357 for an all round caliber.

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