Saturday, April 17, 2021

FPC Responds to Proposed Federal Ban on Standard Capacity Magazines -


U.S.A.-( Senate Democrats introduced yet another unconstitutional and outrageous bill attacking the right to keep and bear arms and personal property rights, this one aimed at banning standard capacity firearm ammunition magazines that are commonly possessed and used for lawful purposes by the millions.

S. 1108, introduced by the corrupt and power-hungry Senator from New Jersey, Bob Menendez, is just the latest attempt by authoritarian politicians to infringe upon American’s natural rights. The bill seeks to ban the sale, manufacture, transfer, possession and importation of constitutionally-protected magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

The ironically-named “Keep Americans Safe Act,” a shameless attempt at misdirection to conceal the intended government-enforced disarmament of the American People, would ban individuals from purchasing and possessing arms which are protected by the constitution. Worse, the bill specifically exempts law enforcement and other agents of the state, exposing the bill for what it is: A vehicle to disarm those that are not part of the government’s ruling class.


Click the Link to read the whole article:   FPC Responds to Proposed Federal Ban

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