Saturday, April 17, 2021

Texas LTC Instructors Distance Themselves From Letter Against Constitutional Carry

HOUSTON, TEXAS-( Did Texas Gun Sense submit a letter to the Texas legislature with forged signatures to oppose Constitutional Carry?

That is what some of the instructors listed on the letter sent by license to carry (LTC) instructor and Texas Gun Sense board member Raul Camacho are claiming.

The letter which AmmoLand News obtained allegedly showed a group of 54 LTC instructors that opposed the current Texas Constitutional Carry bill that just passed the House and is on the way to the Senate. The letter claimed that the Constitutional Carry (permitless carry) bill would make the state less safe and hurt the instructors financially by removing the requirements that residents take classes to conceal carry a firearm.

Fabricated The Signatures?

Although most instructors listed on the letter did admit to signing it, there is still a good number that claims they didn’t sign the letter or were hoodwinked into signing onto the letter. It could be these instructors are seeing the damaging blowback to their businesses and are going into damage control mode, or it could be that the Texas Gun Sense or Raul Camacho of Safety Measures, LLC fabricated the signatures?


Click the link to read the whole article:   Texas LTC Instructors Distance Themselves


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