Saturday Western - A Time for Dying (1969) - Audie Murphy’s Last Western Film

A Time for Dying (1969), directed by Budd Boetticher and featuring Audie Murphy in his final cinematic role as Jesse James. This film tells the gripping story of Cass Bunning (Richard Lapp), a farm boy turned bounty hunter, and Nellie (Anne Randall), a naive woman lured into a brothel under false pretenses. When Cass helps Nellie escape, they are forced into marriage by the notorious Judge Roy Bean (Victor Jory). As Cass navigates his new life, he encounters legendary outlaw Jesse James, who offers him a place in his gang. However, tragedy strikes when Cass faces off against the ruthless Billy Pimple (Bob Random). A Time for Dying stands as a poignant farewell to Murphy’s illustrious career and Boetticher’s final dramatic feature.

Saturday Double Feature - Time Slip 10000 Years Prime Rose (1983 - Turn on Sub-titles) - Galactic Exploration 2100: Border Planet (1986 - Turn on Sub-titles)

"Time Slip 10,000 Years Prime Rose" In the year 19xxx, the military planet Death Mask, floating in orbit around the earth, suddenly breaks apart and begins to fall.The two pieces of debris transformed Kujukuri City in Chiba Prefecture and Dallas City in the U.S. into a giant crater.  In the year 20xxx, Time Patrolman Gai Gohara is assigned to go to the future 10,000 years in the future to investigate the Death Mask crash.  The time machine takes him 10,000 years into the future, where two races are in the midst of a conflict.  There, Triumph meets Emiya, a girl being chased by guards.  Be Sure To Turn On the Sub-titles.

"Galactic Exploration 2100: Border Planet" The time is the early 21st century.  In a park in an apartment complex, two boys, Subaru and Procyon, and a girl, Mira, were playing together.  Then, as adults, Procyon and Mira tie the knot.  One night, Procyon, an electronic engineer, is infected by a space virus carried by the liaison ship that landed at the spaceport, and when he returns home to his new wife Mira, his body melts away.  Mira is also feared to be infected.  The temperature must be kept below zero to stop the pathogen's activity.  In order to save Mira, Subaru searches for the source of the viruses. Be Sure To Turn On The Sub-titles

Court Rules Banning Marijuana Users from Owning Guns is Unconstitutional -

 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals dealt another blow to the gun control regime by ruling the law banning marijuana users from owning firearms is unconstitutional.

In December 2021, El Paso, Texas, police responded to a call for “shots fired.” When they arrived on the scene, police found John Connelly standing on a neighbor’s porch with a shotgun. Police promptly arrested the man before speaking to his wife. His wife, Paola, told police she used marijuana to help with sleep and anxiety. Police would search the couple’s house, where they would turn up drug paraphernalia used for smoking marijuana. Also, in the search, police would turn up firearms, one of which belonged to the woman. Paola Connelly was not under the effects of any drugs when police searched the residence.

Police would charge Paola Connelly with “possessing firearms and ammunition as an unlawful user of a controlled substance” and “providing firearms and ammunition to an unlawful user of a controlled substance.” Both charges are federal offenses because federal law says you can not use marijuana and own a firearm even if you have a prescription for the drug. Paola did not have a record of violent offenses, and her attorney argued that the charges she faced were unconstitutional.

Ms. Connelly would file a motion to dismiss in District Court with her attorney, 

Click the link to read the whole article:  Court Rules Marijuana Use Ban  is Unconstitutional

Ran into some money issues.

 Two days ago, my A/C went out.  It froze up and when the technician came, we found the coil is disintegrating.  Living as close to the Gulf of Mexico as I do, the salt in the air has a deleterious effect on the coils.  

Good news, the coils are still under warranty.  The bad news, the labor and freon charge is not.  So instead of having to pay $1,275.00 plus labor and freon of almost $600.00, I only have to pay for the labor and freon charge.  Unfortunately, since I am on Social Security Disability, I only receive $1,150.00 a month.

Unfortunately again, however, the new coils will not be delivered until the 9th of September, so I am trying to deal with the heat.  I am doing ok, but the animals are not doing too well.  I have been using frozen water bottles so the cats and dogs could get some cooling.

So if you can spare some cash without affecting your own finances, I would appreciate any donations.

My PayPal is:

My CashApp is: $greylocke

Gun Prohibitionist’s Ultimatum Warrants Appropriate Gun Owner Response -

 “I would personally suggest the gun control groups develop a BATNA to help induce more good-faith negotiating,” Tom H. Hastings, Director of the Peace and Nonviolence Studies, Conflict Resolution graduate program at Portland State University and Secretary for the Oregon Peace Studies Consortium writes in the Lockport Union-Sun & Journal.

“BATNA?” Hastings asks rhetorically (“Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement”).  “It simply means that, if you are trying to negotiate with anyone, it’s important to not only think about ‘what if these negotiations fail,’ but to let the others know what you will be forced to do in that case.”

What does Hastings believe he’s “negotiating,” with whom, and what will he feel compelled to do if his demands aren’t met?

“My choice of BATNA would be, ‘Look gun rights people, we want to negotiate common sense regulations with you,” Hastings explains. “However, literally every time we pass such measures at the local or state level, you work to overcome the will of the people by challenging those commonsense measures in court, with your lawsuits, and it’s all based on the Second Amendment.”

“So we have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement,” Hastings imagines. “Our BATNA is that we are going to stop all other gun control work and focus all our resources on a campaign to repeal the Second Amendment.”

Click the link to read the whole article:  Gun Prohibitionist’s Ultimatum

When I saw the title and the thumbnail I Immediately thought of

Sam Gribley and the book, "My Side of the Mountain", by Jean George, that I read many times as a kid. That book, was one of the books that sparked my interest in preparedness. 
So I give you - 

Building complete warm shelter in a giant tree hollow, overnight, cooking / Bushcraft Alone 
by King of Satyr

Radio Birdman - Zeno Beach 2006 Full Album Vinyl - luis german lombo

A1  We've Come So Far (To Be Here Today)
A2  You Just Make It Worse
A3  Remorseless
A4  Found Dead
A5  Connected
A6  Die Like April
A7  Subterfuge
B1  Heyday----------------------23:23
B2  If You Say Please
B3  Hungry Cannibals
B4  Locked Up
B5  The Brotherhood Of Al Wazah
B6  Zeno Beach
Explore the po

FBI Document Leak: Gun Owners Are Violent Extremists -

 Lawyer Stephan Stamboulieh on X (formerly Twitter) released more documents from the FBI’s symbol guide. This list seems to be an updated list of those previously released to the public. At the same time AmmoLand News received the same print outs.

The new terms added in this edition are “molon labe,” “prepping,” and “Second Amendment(2A).” The FBI says these terms can be signs of violent militia extremism. The document also says militia violent extremists (MVEs) might regard “red flag” laws, aka extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs,) as unconstitutional, but it isn’t just MVEs that think that. Many legal experts and civil libertarians openly oppose ERPOs for the lack of due process. Several lawsuits have been filed challenging such laws, and members of Congress have spoken out against “red flag” laws.

“What’s this,” Stamboulieh tweeted on X. “New FBI’ Symbols Guide.’ Suspicious terms include ‘Molon Labe,’ ‘prepping,’ and the scariest one, ‘Second Amendment.’”

Click the link to read the whole articleFBI Document Leak

Butch Engle & The Styx - The Best Of...

San Francisco band active from 1964 to 1968. They released one single as The Showmen and two as Butch Engle & The Styx. Much of their material was written by or co-written by Ron Elliott of The Beau Brummels.

Just got this in my e-mail: Moving the Policies for video inventory to the Google Publisher Restrictions

This came in this morning's e-mail. It seems like EVERY TIME I use ANY other video hosting site besides Google/YouTube, I get this notice, and my pageviews tank. Let's see just how badly my views tank this time. Last time I went from just under 5k views a day to less than 800 views a day. I finally got them bak up to around 2-3k views a day, but let's see what happens over the next few days.

Censorship by big tech is real.  (Since this may break the page formatting I will put this under the fold)