Friday, May 17, 2013

Larry Connors bosses are punishing him for telling the truth.

In the post I wrote about the Obama Administrations use of the IRS and the Justice Department to persecute individuals and organizations it doesn't like.  Found HERE, now KMOV the station Larry works for has taken him off the air in an apparent attempt to silence him.

"Longtime KMOV (Channel 4) anchorman Larry Conners is “off the air” until further notice.

The station is examining Conners’ recent allegations that he was targeted by the Internal Revenue Service after interviewing President Barack Obama.

“He’s not suspended. We just all thought it made sense (for him) to take a few days off,” news director Sean McLaughlin said Thursday.

“We take this very seriously, and we don’t expect this to drag on. We’re still looking into the situation and weighing our options,” he said."

Please e-mail KMOV and tell them to put Larry Connors back on the air.

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