Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Columbus Fleet - The Three Sisters

"The Pinta is on it's last leg, but can be saved if the organization can raise about $5,000.

The Santa Maria, however, is beyond saving. The condition is so bad, it's likely to be demolished now."

I've written about the Three Sisters several times.

The Tale of the Three Sisters


Three Sisters Update

These ships area physical piece of history.  Something our children can actually touch as they hear about the journey that brought Christopher Columbus and his men to our side of the Atlantic Ocean.

It is sad that the Santa Maria may have to be razed.

If you have some money you can donate to help with the restoration of these ships please go to

The Columbus Sailing Association

If you can donate money or if you live in the Corpus Christi Metropolitan area and can donate time or materials please send an E-mail to

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