Friday, August 23, 2013

On our Privacy and the NSA

One of the documents that intelligence officials released Wednesday came because a court ordered the National Security Agency to do so. But it's also part of the administration's response to the leaks by analyst-turned-fugitive Edward Snowden, who revealed that the NSA's spying programs went further and gathered millions more communications than most Americans realized."

This is extremely troubling.  When a part of the .GOV takes on more authority than it is granted.  This is called "Overreach", coupled with the Militarization of Police agencies nationwide, the outlook looks grim.

We don't need the .GOV looking through our electronic communications, tracking our daily on-line lives in addition to tracking our cellphones, GPS's and vehicles.  And yet they are doing it.

Without Warrants, without Probable Cause and without any other reason than they have the ability to do so.

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