Thursday, January 15, 2015

Moar Links (yes I know it's mispelled)


Click over to WRSA to read the rest : White Death

What to do if you are shot

No Knead Skillet Bread ­ The Recipe

DIY Parts Tumbler Cleans Your Parts Good
Or your empty cases for reloading. With links to two others.

Middle Earth epitaph

Aerospace and weapons GIFs

German investigation of the cooperation between NSA and BND (III)

Differences Between the VZ-58 and the AK

How Is That Not Islam?

Marriage Enhancing Moves of a Duck Hunter: Evidence

Who Knew?

The Insanity Continues

Sweet Work At a Sweet Duty Station

Quote of the Day

Two of UVa's Fraternities Refuse to Sign New Nanny Rules on Parties, Giving, As a Reason, That the Pretext for All This Is a Complete F****ing Hoax

Republicans Execute a Tactical Feint on Amnesty Designed to Fool the Base

Confronting Terrorists Opposed to Freedom of Expression—At Home and Abroad

VT: Gun Sense Again Trying To Fix What Isn’t Broken

So If Strict Gun Control Doesn’t Work, Enact MORE Of It!

Should we — can we — ban selective abortion?

Russia, Europe, and cost.

Remember my list of sayings? I've added a few if you weren't aware of them.

TUNISIAN CLERIC says: “Anyone who curses the (paedophile) prophet Mohammed should be executed”

Up YOURS dude.

CIVIL WAR? In France, the native population is repeatedly under attack in Muslim-controlled areas

Diversity = Catch-22

So much for wireless keyboards
Wired for me as well. I know TOO much about how easy it is to intercept wireless signals. Heck I have 2 scanners and 2 HT's set on scan going right now as I write this. I can actually hear my cellphone as it communicates because it's sitting next to my computer speakers so I KNOW when it's doing something even thought it's not being used (hint hint)

Why Gun Control Laws Suck
The video only has 1 channel for me. Until the end, don't listen to it with headphones on. Anyone else?

Free Fire Zone- A Strategy to defeat Global Jihad

John Boehner is actually correct
For a change. I HATE saying that.

A Muslim’s reply to GOWPs:

Bad Apples...

Fatal Attraction...

Just for fun...
I admit, I giggled

I want to vote for this guy for President in 2016

U.S. Navy Surface Chief Calls for More Offensive Weapons on Ships
I wonder how much of this is directed towards the LCS class? (That are STILL constantly breaking down, both of them)

Don’t try this in the real world, kids.
I sincerely hope he doesn't try that with loaded firearms or in real life.

Conservative Prof Still Banned From Marquette University Campus


Arming teachers
Some supposedly educated people Ain't.

Obama Votes "Absent" and Sends a Message
Yes he does.

Chicago Tribune Protecting Criminals?

Obama Declares War On “Extremism” – Are You An “Extremist”?

2nd Amendment Liberal Edition

Carrying A Fake Gun To Ward Off Criminals
This is about the STUPIDEST thing I can imagine.

We have enough rain currently. I can barely get out of my own driveway. Nor get to the range.

Feminist scientific discovery: Women don't talk enough

From Kite NSFW Anime

Scandinavian Hell

Open Carry Lobbying: This is how NOT to do it.

Wolf Hunting Opponents Resorting to Lawsuits over Petition Collectors

Would Muslims Assassinating Queen Elizabeth II Start World War III?

Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
I wish Brett would just drop off the face of the earth and leave everyone alone. Especially his family.

Scrutiny of Scholar's Emails

Obama Backs Government-Run Internet.

The socialist is very butthurt that so many people- mostly Americans, apparently-
told her to kiss our ass.

More Obama executive orders, for 'gun safety'

The Case for a Revenue-Neutral Gas Tax

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time
You really should check this site out weekly if you want to know just how "Peaceful" Islam is.

Alleged Comedian Russell Brand: Fox News is Just Like Charlie Hebdo Terrorists or Something

Can we all agree that Mr. Brand is an Ass? The following song is just for him. And while the sickness referred to in the song is child abuse, I think it also refers to Radical Islam.

Common Sense and the Glorious Cause

What happens when you run over 10,000 rounds of ammo with a f***ing bulldozer

Military families taking precautions

Virginia Dem Voters Elect Incarcerated Pedophile To State House
WTH is WRONG with those people in VA?

It's on purpose - today's edition

#CharlieHebdo after-assessment: “A bleak analysis of a bleak reality”

And we are THROUGH to the M's Next post!!

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