Sunday, February 8, 2015


Jordan says it launched 56 airstrikes against Islamic State

FACT CHECK: What happens if Homeland Security shuts down?
In other words DON'T LISTEN TO THE POLITICANS and their talks of doom and terrorist attacks.

France's first vote since Paris attacks raises tensions
The Socialists in France are finding they are facing a major backlash because of their appeasement and immigration policies. And they don't like it. "Shut up you serfs, we're your betters and KNOW what is best for you"

Argentine experts question Mexico's missing student probe
Please, the Mexican government is even more corrupt than the Obama Administration. I wouldn't even let the Obama Administration investigate someone taking candy from an infant.

Blind justice? Egypt's mass trials place state security 1st
And Obama and Holder are VERY jealous.

Which playlist should I listen to today? Hmmmmmmm.

Iran FM: Now's the time for a nuclear deal
Yeah especially since they are going to get 11.9 BILLION American Tax Dollars. what you didn't hear about that? Hmmm let me find that link again.

US to award Iran $11.9 billion through end of nuke talks
So in essence we the US Tax Payers are subsidizing a government that subsidizes the very terrorists who we are trying to defend ourselves against. Did I get that right?

Consumer security an emerging issue in new computerized cars
This makes me soooo glad I only drive older vehicles. The newest one I have is my 2000 Chevy S-10 Pick up, the oldest I used to have, was a 65 Ford.

Steelworkers to expand strike to 2 BP refineries in Midwest
Expect gas prices to rise on this. Not just because production is being reduced, but this strike will force a further reduction. So when you want to complain about the gas prices going up, remember the Unions are just ONE of the causes.

Anthem: Hackers tried to breach system as early as Dec. 10
And why wasn't this noticed THEN? And why wasn't it dealt with then? Why do millions of people now have worry about Identity Theft and losing their tax refunds?

Cyber-attacks rising in Utah, likely due to NSA facility
Ok, when I first read the headline my brain said "It's the NSA testing by hacking the State Computers." Come on, admit it. Your brain did it too.

Senators call for investigation into Verizon 'supercookies'
Put a "Super Cookie" on one of my systems and you will not like what I will do in return. I may not be a hacker, but I do know how to get a hold of some. And Turnabout is Fair Play as they say.

Hottest year ever? Skeptics question revisions to climate data
See next story for a leetle bit more detail

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
Still believe in all the hoopla? If you do you're an easily led gullible idiot. If you bothered to do some research, you'd find out that many of the "Greens" are trying to force drastic population controls. I'd suggest you read some contemporary Science Fiction Authors. You would be surprised just how right several of them are about the agendas of the "Greens".

The video doesn't really have anything to do with the song, but the guy who put it together thought they went well together. Hmmm maybe a little too well.

Gallup CEO: I May “Suddenly Disappear” For Telling Truth About Obama Unemployment Rate
I'm afraid he might be right.

Greece has 'moral obligation' to claim German WWII reparations: PM
Just setting up the excuse for when they default on the loans they were given. How much would you care to wager I am right?

Greece: Greenspan predicts exit from euro inevitable
Of course it will. All because Greece will intentionally default on their loans. Causing a bank run because the markets will become unstable due to speculation on the currency/forex markets.

Colorado GOP tries to ban ‘welfare for weed’ against Democrats’ wishes
Of course the Dems don't want it to end. This is how they are buying votes. They know if their constituents actually have to buy their weed with their own money, they will be less likely to be stoned and dumb, and vote for them in the elections.

Woodward: Military Upset Susan Rice Telling Generals How To Fight
Micromanagement has lost every battle and war it has been used in. This just goes to show just how inept and inexperienced Ms. Rice and the rest of the Obama Administration, including Obama, actually is.

Regulations hit smaller US banks hardest
Of course they do. It's because they are written for the most egregious offender, the Large Major Banking Conglomerates. The little guys are just getting hurt in the crossfire. And they don't have the money or the pull to get a few senators on their sides like J.P. Morgan Chase does. The killer quote though is "What if Dodd-Frank created a too-small-to-succeed problem in addition to the too-big-to-fail problem?" Think about it. What if that was the main reason of Dodd-Frank? To knock out the smaller banks forcing more and more customers to the large banks. Hmmmm I wonder how much J.P. Morgan paid in Contributions to certain people?

Today In Creepy Privacy Policies, Samsung’s Eavesdropping TV (Or, SAMSUNG warns not to discuss personal info in front of TV)

Shades of Orwell's 1984, anybody?

Symbolic? Or no?

HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions
Of course they did. How else could they get those commissions and fees? After all if their customers paid the taxes that's less money they have in the banks vaults.

US government faces pressure after biggest leak in banking history
What action? You mean you actually expected THIS current Administration to do ANYTHING to one of it's benefactors?

Barry, this one is for you.

A month after kosher market attack, French Jews plan an exodus
Does anyone else find this very disturbing, besides me? This isn't right, that they feel so unsafe and unwanted, that they are leaving their homes. This ISN'T RIGHT!

Mexican border now a major entry point for Cuban migrants
If Cuba is such a paradise why are so many running away? Especially after "Barry" started to normalize relations with Cuba?

Ukraine crisis: Do not try to scare Putin, warns Merkel - Sending arms to Ukraine will not scare Vladimir Putin, warns Angela Merkel while Francois Hollande warns it could lead to war

I have no idea anymore about this. A friend of a friend of a friend mentioned that after Ukraine, Putin was probably going to focus on Moldava. The only real info I have is that Vlady is trying to reforge the CCCP.

Mysterious "dirty rain" falling in Eastern Washington, Oregon
Well, that.... Nope, not gonna say it.

Seismologists Say A Fault Is At Fault For Irving Earthquakes
Nope! According to this group of scientists whose specialty ISN'T Seismology or Geology it's Fracking that is causing the quakes. There is NO other reason for them. It HAS to be Fracking. After all this Anti-Fracking group gave them a LOT of money to research it, and their extensive research says it Fracking.

North Korea test-fires 5 short-range missiles into sea, South Korea official says
Ahhh everyone has been ignoring little Un, and he doesn't like that. So this is his throwing a tantrum.

Mysterious woman from Canada’s rapid rise in ISIS puzzles intel analysts
Uhhh, have you guys thought of the 2 main things? Money and/or S-E-X. You say she is possibly from a Saudi family and tribe, could be her family has $$$ and connections to help ISIS move/sell oil and other things they have stolen. Hence her rapid rise within the ranks. You might want to consider that.

Man drives truck into Michigan Coast Guard station
Why didn't the Coasties light his butt up?

Bystanders partially to blame for Canadian man's death, coroner says
Have we as a society truly become THAT Self Centered?

People Jailed for Owing Less Taxes Than Al Sharpton
I think Chuck and Lauryn need to go after Al with an ugly stick. Oh wait someone already did. Well maybe a hideous stick, Wait, nope that's been done already. Hmmm Lemme think about this one.

And they better do something quick before "Barry" pardons him.

Obama budget runs gamut from endangered butterflies to clashes with GOP over country's course

This country has been rudderless for 6 years now. When was the last time heck, or even the first time Obama submitted a proper budget? And submitted it On Time?

Negroponte: Saudis Will Feel 'Compelled to Act' in Yemen
Not good, very very not good.

FT: Buffett Criticized for Disclosing Too Little About Berkshire
What ME fully report? That's just for the little people. Not me. I'm Special.

SpaceX Rocket to Launch Weather Satellite into Deep Space
I hope they stream it like they did the last launch.

In Europe, parents' dismay as jihad lures teens
I have teens of my own. I really feel for them. Honestly I do. Remember I have a teen daughter? I really really do feel for them.

Currency-hedged ETFs in vogue
I wish I had some money to try this.

Kerry denies split between U.S. and Europe on Russia policy
Aaaand he's lying through that gap between his front incisors. I think I'm going to start calling Kerry "Squirrel" Nope, Breda would kill me.

Revealed: The Memento From the Mandela Funeral Obama Gave to Al Sharpton
Warrior for Justice? Warrior for Just Us is more like it. Despicable human beings, both of them.

Joe Biden and John Kerry Are Shunning Israel’s Prime Minister — But Guess Who They Did See This Weekend

Remember Obama's OFA manager has gone to Israel to "Assist" Herzog's Campaign, then suddenly Herzog goes to Germany where Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! ( read that in Gomer Pyles voice) Guess Who!?

If He Hadn’t Had His Dashcam Rolling, He Might Have Been Blamed for What’s About to Happen

Ok, the DashCam is going back into the truck. If you are interested in what kind of DashCam I use, drop a comment and I'll post a link to the E-bay page.

Three of the most beautiful songs I enjoy all rolled into one song.

Neil Armstrong's secret bag of Moon landing mementos 'that were supposed to remain in space' discovered by his widow in a closet

Oh Man, Oh Man!!! I would love to be able to actually see those in person.

Five high school football players arrested for 'sodomizing special education student with a broomstick'

Can I PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! be left alone in the same room for about 10 miutes? PLEASE?

Snakes in Firefighters responding to an electrical blaze in Texas are confronted with a cobra and four vipers

And I live off of Rattlesnake Road. And I kill an average of 6 rattlesnakes a year.

'It's not about the number of people we kill, it's about the lives we save': Retired SWAT sniper who shot gun out of a suicidal man's HAND defends 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle


Bratton ‘resisting arrest’ proposal a ploy to strengthen police state
Uhh no. I used to be in Law enforcement. A cop can decide to arrest someone without ANY Probable Cause, and if the person tries to say Uhh no, I haven't done anything wrong, well THAT is "Resisting Arrest" Remember a cop can "Detain" you and even put handcuffs on you for ANY REASON he wants. He doesn't even HAVE to have a reason to do so. He can always say "For my safety" and they can get away with almost anything. I've been there, I've seen it, I was TOLD to DO IT. Why do think I left Law Enforcement? Because I couldn't trust the people I worked with. So up this to a "Felony" and more people will suddenly be in jail and spending a LOT of their hard earned cash fighting against a bogus charge. Nevermind the lost time from work, the added expenses of legal representation, if you have kids, the LEO's might decide that your kids need to be pulled so they call Child Protective Services, (Don't EVEN get me started on that racket, it's worse than the Mafia), and you lose your kids, possibly forever as you find yourself a felon and considered an unfit parent. If the LEO's really don't like you they can make it so not even your other family members can see or have custody of your kids. NO! You Jerkweed. For even THINKING that, you need to lose your job, Badge and POST Certification. Oh and you have to give up ALL of your firearms just like the rest of us would.

U.S.-backed Iraqi forces face risky urban warfare in battle against Islamic State
The Iraqi Army doesn't know MOUT Doctrine or as it's called now Urban Operations. Our troops weren't in there long enough to properly train them in that. Oooopppps, Looks like another failure point for Barry.

National Bank of Greece CEO says he and chairman to step down
Ahhh the soup thickens.

Weather worries U.S. cattle producers as they slowly expand herds
A Rancher I spoke to last week said that even if we do get good weather where it's needed, it will be 3 or 4 years before the cattle herds are back to where they used to be. And meat prices won't start to go down for at least another 8-10 months.

Illinois power plant at center of Midwest rate fights
WOW!! Reading the headline my first thought was it had AmerenUE's fingerprints all over that. I was very surprised to have been wrong. Or am I? Ameren has their fingers in a lot of different pies. Meh, I'll let someone else do the research.

India, Pakistan suspend trade on Kashmir border
India=Hindu - Pakistan=Muslim Need I say more?

Even as US job market picks up, unemployed face frustration
I just had a thought about WHY so many businesses started wanting all of their employees to have a college degree. Even janitors and cashiers. That way they had a much better chance of hiring a person who AT LEAST could read and write. Considering the graduation rates and the literacy rates, there HAS to be a connection. What do you think?

Brian Williams is not alone: Hillary Clinton, Stephen Glass and other famous fabrications


A police chief who does it by a different book
Chief Burbank, for the most part sounds like a real "Peace Officer"

John Kerry: ‘We are on the road’ to defeating IS
We're all gonna die.

Thai junta denies former PM Yingluck permission to travel
NOW I GET IT!! PM Yingluck made cow eyes and flirted with Barry and Michele wasn't having none of that, so she had her impeached and arrested.

Ukraine leader shows off captured Russian military IDs
DUDE!! I TOLD you. Those guys are on vacation. On their own personal time. Vlady doesn't know what his troops do when they are on vacation. Other than try to invade and overthrow other nations. Ooops did I type that out loud?

Oregon judge: taking photos up girl's skirt not illegal
Then pummeling the photographer and smashing what he is using to take those picture with is legal too? If it's not it should be.

China seizes toilet paper bearing image of Hong Kong leader
Why? Most of the US has TP with Obama's face on it.

Prince Charles says he fears for Christians in Middle East
Thank you for stepping up Sir. I apologize for all those joke I made about your ears. Well some of them. Okay, Okay one or two of them. ALRIGHT! I'm not sorry. Pbbbbtttt

Erdogan unhappy with Turkish spy chief's resignation
Because maybe he knows where certain bodies are buried and will use that to beat you about the ears with?

Plea for 'urgency' at UN climate talks
HURRY UP! Any more leaks and the Proles will know we are playing them for chumps!!

Biden to Putin: 'Don't Tell Us, Show Us'
Uhhh Joe? No one REALLY wants to know how bi uh small your winky is. Really.

U.S. urges euro zone leaders to compromise with Athens: FT
This from an Administration that can't even balance it's own checkbook.

Unusually large Republican 2016 field sparks 'staff primary'

And I'm done for now. If my neck isn't hurting me too badly later I'll post up so more Fresh Links.

I've GOT IT!!!

A Grotesque Stick!! What? What do you mea.... Uhh Ok you're right.

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