The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dolly is giving a demonstration as to why you don't mess with her.

Just wait until she what she does NEXT.

To find out go over to DataChasers and find out.

While you are there sign up for a Free Comic Fury account and join me and everyone else in the comment section.

Also please click on the Top Web Comics link to vote for DataChasers.  Let's see if we can get DataChasers in to the top 10.

Also check out what in my personal opinion a Hugo Award worthy PreQuel of DataChasers, Luna-Star.

Luna-Star is Finished, complete, done, at the end of it's story.  And thus eligible for nomination in the 2016 Hugo Awards.

Read it for yourself and see if you agree with me.

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