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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Chicago Inspector General Claims That ShotSpotter Does Not Work -

CHICAGO, IL-( Was David Chipman the vice president of marketing for a company that sold a system to cities around the country that didn’t work?

The Chicago Office of the Inspector General (OIG) seems to think that might be the case. The IG’s Office released a report lambasting Chipman’s prior employer, ShotSpotter. The office claims the technology doesn’t work most of the time.

ShotSpotter is an acoustic gunshot detection technology. Microphones are placed around cities on light poles and use an artificial intelligence (AI) software package to listen for gunshots. When the system detects the gunfire, it will triangulate the sound to locate the shooter. A human at the ShotSpotter monitoring center reviews the report. If they believe the alert is real, they will notify the local police department’s dispatch center. The dispatch center will notify units to respond to the location of the detection.

Anti-gun politicians and advocates, like Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot, hail the system as “a lifesaver.”

The Chicago Mayor just renewed the cities contract with the company for another three years. The system isn’t cheap. The city of Chicago paid ShotSpotter $33,000,000 over the last three years.  But according to the Chicago OIG’s report, the city wasted that money on a system that doesn’t work.

Click the link to read the whole article:   ShotSpotter Does Not Work


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