The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Anti's take note

How many Anti's want to prevent gun violence or stop hunting or fishing or other stuff "They Feel isn't right"  Note that word "FEEL"

If they were able to ban hunting, fishing and firearms, what would happen to all the state and national parks?  What would happen to wildlife management?

According to the Anti's, nothing would happen.

They don't seem to understand something.

Sportsman and firearms and ammunition purchasers pay a special tax on hunting and fishing licenses, ammunition, fishing lures, fishing rods, boats, boat motors, boat trailers, hunting accessories, firearms, archery equipment and many other things that are specific to hunting and fishing.

The money from those taxes are specifically ear-marked for Wildlife and Habitat preservation and conservation.

It doesn't go into the Fed Gov's general coffer, it goes to a separate fund which can ONLY be used for preservation and conservation.

"The Pittman–Robertson Act took over a pre-existing 11% excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Instead of going into the U.S. Treasury as it had done in the past, the money is kept separate and is given to the Secretary of the Interior to distribute to the States. The Secretary determines how much to give to each state based on a formula that takes into account both the area of the state and its number of licensed hunters

States must fulfill certain requirements to use the money apportioned to them. None of the money from their hunting license sales may be used by anyone other than the State’s fish and game department. Plans for what to do with the money must be submitted to and approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Acceptable options include research, surveys, management of wildlife and/or habitat and acquisition or lease of land, among other things. Once a plan has been approved, the state must pay the full cost and is later reimbursed for up to 75% of that cost through P–R funds. The 25% of the cost that the State must pay generally comes from its hunting license sales. If, for whatever reason, any of the federal money does not get spent, after two years that money is then reallocated to the Migratory Bird Conservation Act."

What happens if you can't own a fire arm? Or go hunting or fishing?  Or those Anti's going to pay those those costs?

No.  They are going to demand that EVERYONE pay more taxes which probably WON'T go into a segregated fund.  Which means the Pol's in D.C. can pillage it to buy more votes, instead of paying for the programs that sportsmen, and the taxes they pay, currently are helping to fund.

Point this out to the Anti's when you get a chance.

Ask them how much of THEIR money goes to help fund Conservation.

You can honestly tell them that every time you buy your license or a firearm or ammunition, you are helping to pay for conservation efforts, hunting safety classes and migratory bird habitat.

Not them.

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