The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, February 2, 2015

My YouTube Channels

Over on the right I posted links to 4 of my YouTube Channels.  Some have videos, others don't.  All but 1 of the channels is "Monetized"  Any of my Preparedness Tips and Tricks Videos are NOT monetized.  I"m not making anything on them.  Not 1 tenth of 1% of a cent.  The others are monetized however to try to help me pay for stuff like Cameras, Ammo, Chronographs etc.

If you are on a mobile device and can't see the links I'll post them below.

txfellowship - YouTube

greylocke100 - YouTube

Grey Locke - YouTube

Greylocke Zeroone - YouTube

The last one is a feed subscriptions as I haven't uploaded any public videos to that page.  When I do, it will be updated.

I hope that you be able to see a lot more content from the range soon.

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