The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, October 3, 2016

Not many posts today

At least for the early morning and afternoon.  I have an orthopedist Dr appointment today.  That last time I went to this Dr (Insurance Company doctor) I had to wait for over 90 minutes before I was taken back to a treatment room and then spent another 90 minutes waiting to be seen.

you would think that a bone and spine Dr would have chairs in their office that were comfortable for their patients, especially spine patients, to sit on.

Not so for this particular DR.

My pain Dr has comfortable seats, at the right height,with cushions and pillows to help your back.  This dr not so much.

The last time I was in his office, after I got back to a treatment room I actually had to lay on the floor to try to get my spine realigned.  And I was physically crying from the pain.

The last time, I was in so much pain after I left his office, I had to sit in my truck for over an hour, before the pain dropped to a level I could safely drive home.

So that is the Dr, I'm seeing today.

So I may get home later this afternoon and be able to get stuff from my inbox posted, or I may get home and take my medication and go straight to bed

We shall see.

I already have a few posts already scheduled for today, I'm cuing up the last video from my inbox to see if I am going to schedule it for posting, or I'm going to just delete the e-mail.

We shall see.

So if I don't post much today, now, you know.

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