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Friday, December 23, 2016

What's on my Kindle - Warnings Unheeded by Andrew Brown

I first found out about this book through a link on my Facebook Page.  I read the brief blurb about it and it piqued my interest.

I checked out the authors Facebook page, and clicked on the link. Only to find that the book wasn't available for the Kindle platform yet.  I do 98% of my reading through either the Kindle for PC application on my computer, my first generation Kindle (since broken by my cat), or Kindle for android on my cellphone and my 9" android Tablet.  So I then click on the link for the authors website, to find a contact e-mail.  I send an e-mail asking when the book would be available for Kindle, and was e-mailed back in just a few hours that they were working out some formatting errors and it should be available soon.

Imagine my surprise when Andrew Brown, the author and one HELL of a hero, e-mailed me two days later, asking if I would like a free electronic copy of the book.  I of course, said yes.  And by the early afternoon I had the .PDF of his book I requested in my inbox.

This isn't some dry recitation of facts, it is a well researched and documented compilation of the available facts of the three main individuals involved.  I'm a little over half way through the book, and all I can say is, YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK......

Andrew Brown recounts his entry into the US Airforce and as much information he could acquire on the shooter leading up to 6/20/1994.  A dayn which 4 people died and 23 more were injured.

He then goes on to describe the background leading up to the B-52 Crash on 6/24/1994.

I am on that section of this written narrative now.

And I WILL be returning to it later this afternoon.

So please, give the links I embedded above a look, and if you wish to know more, either contact your local library and have them order the book, OR, just click on the Amazon link or Createspace link to order your own copy.  Please note, that the Createspace link benefits Mr. Brown more than the Amazon one does at this time.

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