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Thursday, July 13, 2023

‘False Promises’—WA Murders Climb; Crickets from Gun Control Crowd -


  • Gun control restrictions in Washington State FAILED to reduce homicides, Report shows 96% increase in homicides.
  • The gun control measures have MADE PEOPLE LESS SAFE, & calls go out for their repeal, stating that the gun prohibition lobby has deceived voters.
  • The number of murders recorded is the highest since 1980, & questions the effectiveness of gun control laws, while gun control PROPONENTS DOUBLE DOWN on failed measures.

U.S.A. — After nine years of adopting increasingly restrictive gun control laws—including two billionaire-backed citizen initiatives—Washington State’s homicide body count has gone up, and the gun prohibition lobby is silent.

Worse still, it appears nobody in the local media is asking about the failure of those gun restrictions. One local gun rights group is raising the issue, however.

A new report from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) offers “ample evidence” that gun restrictions have “failed miserably,” according to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and their chairman thinks those gun laws should be repealed. CCRKBA is based in Bellevue, Wash.

“These gun control measures have only helped make people less safe, and it should be clear to voters they’ve been deceived by the gun prohibition lobby, which will no doubt try to spin the new report to suggest even stricter measures are necessary,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.

“In private business,” he added, “if something repeatedly doesn’t work, the plan is scrapped and the company tries something else. If the people responsible refuse to let go, they might be fired…It is time to hold these people accountable and for the Legislature to acknowledge that gun control extremism has been an abject failure. Restrictions created by I-594 and I-1639 can legally be repealed, along with Ferguson’s 2022 ban on magazines and this year’s ban on so-called ‘assault weapons.’ Washington citizens deserve better and it is time for a change of direction.”

He was alluding to Initiatives 594, passed in 2014 and 1639, passed in November 2018.

WASPC released its lengthy report, stretching more than 580 pages, on Monday. A summary of the contents caused Gottlieb to tell AmmoLand News that one figure especially is “scary.” Since 2019, the report said, “homicides have increased 96 percent.” The 394 slayings recorded in 2022 shows a 16.6 percent increase over 2021, when the state logged 338 murders, according to data on Page 9 of the WASPC report.

Click the link to read the whole article:  ‘False Promises’—WA Murders Climb

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