Just the day before these shelves were FULL of water and there were 6 pallets in the aisle in front of this rack. There were also 8 pallets by the door next to the pharmacy and 4 by the door in produce. When I took this picture they were all gone except for this. Hmmm, I wonder why anyone would need that much water.......
These next 2 pictures are to show the higher than normal tides. The first pic is the back of my mothers neighbors house. Mom lives on a channel and her neighbors dock is a little low but I have never seen their dock completely under water, like this.......

You can't tell but it looked like the dock was about 8 inches under the water level. Now my mom, here dock normally sits about 2 and a half to 3 feet out of the water at high tide. This is what her dock looked like.....

The water looks to be a little over a foot from the dock. I fish from this dock normally with my feet hanging over the edge, and I normally have to stretch out my foot to try to touch the water at high tide. At low tide I've stood in the channel and the dock comes up to chest. Now I'm 6'3" so for the water to be this high there has to be something afoot.
What was the reason for the high water? Hurricane Dolly. Well it's declining now but the storms are around and probably will be until this weekend. Hopefully it won't be so bad as to turn my yard into a swimming pool again :)