Thursday, March 31, 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Ukrainian Bio-Lab Company Invested in by Hunter Biden Worked With Wuhan Lab on Bat Coronaviruses - Ben Swann
Ukrainian Bio-Lab Company Invested in by Hunter Biden Worked With Wuhan Lab on Bat Coronaviruses - powered by
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Hunter Biden Invested / Raised Millions for Ukrainian Bio-Lab and Secured U.S. Military Contracts - Ben Swann
Hunter Biden Invested / Raised Millions for Ukrainian Bio-Lab and Secured U.S. Military Contracts - powered by
Monday, March 28, 2022
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Binary(R) triggers / ATF letter re: forced reset triggers (FRTs) - Firearms Policy Coalition
The ATF's recent letter to FFLs regarding "forced reset triggers" (FRTs) mentioned "binary triggers" in their atextual discussion of what devices are
classified as "machineguns" under the statutes. Following that, our March 25 message erroneously stated that "some binary triggers ... will now be
regulated under the GCA and NFA. However, true "Binary®" triggers from Franklin Armory have not been held to be "machineguns" by the ATF under federal law. (See also this March 24 statement from Franklin Armory.)
"The ATF's recent open letter wrongfully included non-machinegun Binary® triggers in its discussion of forced reset triggers. While a careful read of the
ATF's letter also vindicated Binary® triggers, the ATF's actions here created unnecessary confusion in the marketplace," said Franklin Armory Founder and President, Jay Jacobson.
Firearms and civil rights attorney Joshua Prince has further discussion of the issue and some suggestions in his recent blog post here.
As we said in our January 27, 2022 statement on this subject here, FPC has and will continue to fight to defend and advance the People's individual rights, liberty, and private property. If you would like FPC Law to consider your issue for potential legal action, call the FPC 2A Hotline at (855) 252-4510 or visit to report the details of the law enforcement encounter, detention, arrest, and/or seizure.
- DO: Politely tell them that you want to speak with or through a lawyer, then stop talking and engage a lawyer.
- If you are detained or arrested, then seek legal advice immediately. You may wish to inform close family and friends how to contact your lawyer to notify them that you have been detained or arrested.
- DO NOT: Speak with anyone (including family members) until your lawyer speaks with and advises you.
- DO NOT: Open doors unless the officers have a warrant. (If they have a warrant then they will use force to gain entry.)
- DO NOT: Leave your home/property or go outside. (They will likely detain you and prevent you from re-entry until they are done and leave.)
- DO NOT: Consent to any search.
- IF YOU CAN: Have legal counsel represent you and engage with federal agents and the ATF on your behalf.
- DO NOT: Volunteer any information or speak with any agent other than to advise them that your property is being provided to them under protest.
- DO: Attempt to photograph items being surrendered under protest to document the condition of the items at the time of surrender.
- DO: Ensure that you receive a completed property receipt on ATF Form 3400.23 (Receipt of Property and Other Items).
- DO: After signing, request a copy and/or photograph the signed copy for your records. ONLY sign ATF Form 3400.23.
- DO NOT: Sign ATF Form 3400.1 (Consent to Forfeiture or Destruction of Property and Waiver of Notice)!
- Should you sign Form 3400.1, you voluntarily surrender and relinquish all rights, title, and interest in, and all claims to the property listed on the form!
- DO: Separately document your experience of the encounter in writing.
- Note the location, date, and time of your interaction with the ATF agent(s), the names or other identifying information (ID/badge number, contact number, business card, etc.) of all ATF agents or persons you spoke with, the details of all discussions, and any other information they told or provided you.

Paid for by the Firearms Policy Coalition. Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. |
Saturday, March 26, 2022
ATF Sends Notice To FFLs Claiming Some FRTs Are Machine Guns -
U.S.A. -( The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) sent a letter to all licensed firearms dealers warning them that specific forced reset triggers (FRTs) are machine guns.
The letter was sent to all FFLs in the country on March 24, 2022. The notice was dated March 22, 2022. It informed the dealers that some force reset triggers are considered machine guns under the National Firearms Act (NFA). The ATF threatened the dealers with imprisonment of up to 10 years and a $250,000 fine for selling one of the forbidden FRT triggers.
The letter did not specify what FRTs were considered machine guns, leaving dealers in a precarious position.
Multiple brands of force reset triggers are on the market, and others are expected to hit the market later this year. The letter puts a question mark on those hitting the market.
If charged with an NFA violation, it takes around $250,000 to fight against the government. Most gun stores are small “mom and pop” shops that do not have the money to fight a criminal prosecution. All the FFLs AmmoLand News spoke with planned to stop all FRT triggers’ sales.
The ATF’s war on Force Reset Triggers started last July when The Bureau sent Rare Breed Triggers a “cease and desist” letter over its FRT-15 trigger. In the letter, the agency claimed that the FRT-15 was a machine gun and ordered the company to stop selling the product. Rare Breed refused to comply with the demand and sued the ATF in federal court, seeking an injunction on the enforcement of the ATF’s orders.
Click the link to read the whole article: ATF Sends Notice To FFLs
Did NBC News & Pennsylvania AG’s Office Commit Multiple Felonies? -
OAKS, PENNSYLVANIA –-( Did NBC News and Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office break both federal, state, and local laws during their recent NBC Nightly News story on JSD Supply?
Many people in the gun community are asking if any laws were broken after the story ran on the NBC Nightly News. When the hit piece was filmed, the news organization and the Pennsylvania AG’s office appeared to have broken multiple laws to produce their sensationalized hit piece on Americans building guns at home.
Now gun rights advocates are demanding answers.
NBC News did a hidden camera investigation at an Eagle Shows gun show in Oaks, Pennsylvania. Eagle Shows is owned by Jordan Vinroe, who also owns JSD Supply. JSD Supply is one of the country’s largest 80% firearms retailers. Last fall, JSD Supply was banned from the gun shows due to pressure from the AG’s office and others. Vinroe turned around and purchased Eagle Shows and not only let sellers of unfinished firearms back into the show, but he also started holding classes where buyers could learn how to finish their products into fully working Firearms.
Click the link to read the whole article: NBC News AG’s Office Commit Multiple Felonies
Zelensky Becoming a Dictator? Bans 11 Political Parties, Consolidates All National Media - Ben Swann
Zelensky Becoming a Dictator? Bans 11 Political Parties, Consolidates All National Media. - powered by
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Monday, March 21, 2022
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Below The Radar: Stopping the Fraudulent Sales of Firearms Act -
United States – -( Second Amendment supporters often have to make difficult decisions. Not in the sense of Glock vs. Colt vs. Springfield Armory, but more along the lines of how to address a given piece of anti-Second Amendment legislation.
Take for instance the Stopping the Fraudulent Sales of Firearms Act, known as S 3776 and HR 6997. The legislation purports to prohibit the importation, sale, or manufacture of firearms “by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.”
On the face of it, this seems unobjectionable. Nobody wants to be sold a firearm on the basis of misrepresentation or a false promise, right? But there are red flags when Second Amendment supporters think things through some more.
For starters, the Senate bill is sponsored by Dianne Feinstein, a long-standing enemy of our Second Amendment rights. So that is a red flag right there. Her co-sponsors include Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal, also committed opponents of the Second Amendment.
Aside from who sponsors it, there is one other question: Who decides what constitutes “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises?”
This is a big deal on multiple fronts. Remember how the CDC is getting back into the gun-control business? They worry that it will be used to justify censorship by Silicon Valley is big, but this legislation could add another threat.
Suppose some anti-Second Amendment extremist decides that those who advertise firearms for self-defense are making ““false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises?” That now becomes a new way to hit someone with a five-year jail term and a felony conviction.
This also is a way to “legalize” suits like the one brought against Remington over Sandy Hook. Never mind that the rifle used was stolen (after the shooter killed the rightful owner), the claim from the suit was centered around the advertising. In other words, prove there was “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises” in the advertising, and all of the sudden, it becomes easier to sue gun manufacturers.
This is a dangerous end run around the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Again, we need to remember what Feinstein said so long ago on 60 Minutes. She wants an Australia-style ban, but if she can’t have it, she’ll figure out what she can get legislatively (see the Age 21 Act). Or she’ll enable other attacks outside the legislative process.
What makes it doubly hard is that this bill seems very reasonable, so Second Amendment supporters have to be very careful about the optics while opposing it. After all, nobody wants to support those who sell anything (including firearms) with “false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.”
Second Amendment supporters need to contact their Representative and Senators and politely urge them to oppose the Stopping the Fraudulent Sales of Firearms Act. Then. They need to work to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box this November.
TSA Finds Firearm in Anti-Gun California Lawmaker’s Luggage -
U.S.A. -( According to several media reports, on March 3 California Assemblyman Jim Cooper (D-09) was traveling through a security checkpoint at Sacramento International Airport when the Transportation Security Administration found a loaded gun in his baggage. The Sacramento Bee reported that the firearm was detected by an X-ray screening machine in what was described by Cooper’s Capitol Office as a “male messenger bag which looks like a purse.”
The NRA-ILA F-rated lawmaker was not charged during the incident. In fact, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office told the Sacramento Bee that law enforcement stored the discovered firearm for Cooper while he was on his trip and returned the gun to the lawmaker upon his arrival back in Sacramento.
Law-abiding gun owners who mistakenly bring firearms to airport security checkpoints don’t always enjoy such a seamless experience.
Cal. Penal Code § 171.5 provides,
(b) It is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess, within any sterile area of an airport or a passenger vessel terminal, any of the items listed in subdivision (c).
(c) The following items are unlawful to possess as provided in subdivision (b):
(1) Any firearm.
“Sterile area” is defined to include “a portion of an airport defined in the airport security program to which access generally is controlled through the screening of persons and property.”
A violation of Penal Code § 171.5 is “punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.”
Under federal law, those found with firearms at a TSA checkpoint are often subject to stiff fines. According to TSA’s enforcement sanction guidance table, a person found with a loaded gun should be charged a civil fine of $3,000-$10,000 for a first offense.
Click the link to read the whole article: TSA Finds Firearm
Monday, March 14, 2022
Under Cover of Darkness U.S. Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws -
WASHINGTON, D.C. -( Gun Control has been signed into law by President Biden with the support of turncoat Republicans.
In the middle of the night, the U.S. Senate passed the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 (VAWA). Some gun rights groups raised alarm bells when this act passed the U.S. House of Representatives last year with Republican support. At the time, Republicans like Dan Crenshaw said that the anti-gun provisions of the bill would be removed and accused Gun Owners of America (GOA) of fearmongering to fundraise.
Democrats and Republicans led by Senator Jodi Ernst negotiated the bill’s anti-gun provisions.
Republican politicians, who previously vowed never to vote for the bill unless the anti-gun provisions were removed, voted yes with those anti-gun provisions fully intact. Prominently among those Republicans to betray the Second Amendment was Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith. Senator Hyde-Smith had previously released a statement to AmmoLand News that she would never vote for the bill in its anti-gun version.
An updated statement was given to AmmoLand News after receiving a tip that Senator Hyde-Smith was open to the bill with the anti-gun provisions intact.
The bill includes the NICS Denial Notification Act. This provision will require the criminal investigation of all National Instant Criminal Background Check System denials. The vast majority of NICS denials are false.
Click the link to read the whole story: U.S. Senate Passes New Gun Control Laws
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Gun Control snuck into the spending package and PASSED?!... We've got to dive into this... - Langley Outdoor Academy
Friday, March 11, 2022
Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine - Ben Swann
Truth About U.S. Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine - powered by