The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pet problems

I don't know just what is going on but my pets are getting hurt for some reason.

Emmett, my ex-wife's lab mix somehow gets his front legs run over by a car, when he's laying on the side of the road by the kids. They're not broken but he is in a lot of pain. The kids say they were crossing the street and the car just flew down the street swerving to hit Emmett at the last second. My youngest daughter came screaming in the house to get me. I found Emmett lying in the ditch about 4 feet from where my daughter says he was lying down when he was hit. I carried him inside and set him down and checked him out. He has some cuts and scrapes, and a little bit of swelling but no broken bones. He is laying on the couch right now, with triple anti-biotic on his wounds. He didn't like the crushed aspirin I gave him, but he's sleeping peacefully.

His younger brother Jazzy, started whining yesterday but I couldn't find any reason until I tried to check his ears. That was the first time Jazzy had ever tried to bite me. The reason for his whining and his trying to bite me? He has a tick in his ear. And it's far enough in I can't get it out without risking damaging his eardrum.

So tomorrow, I'll be taking Emmett and Jazzy to the vet to get Emmett's legs x-rayed just to make sure, and have the vet remove the tick in Jazzy's ear and check it for any nasties which could make him sick.

UGH!! Between the kids school clothes and supplies and now this. I am running out of money. Plus next week I have to go to a doctor in St. Louis. I'm driving as I no longer have faith in the TSA to allow my .38 Taurus to travel unmolested. I'll borrow my mother's S-10 as my Suburban uses way too much gas, and I can't afford that right now.

Oh, the Doctor in St. Louis is a Neurologist. I'm seeing him abut my nerve damage from my back surgery. Hopefully I can get some answers on this so I can get my treatment modified.

I'm sorry for ranting,but sometimes I just need to vent.



Bonnie said...

I can't believe someone swerved to hit Emmett. That's a seriously disturbed individual, right there. I hope they both end up okay.

Mark said...

Emmett's leg isn't broken but it hurts him. The Vet, wants 300.00 to get the tick out of Jazzy's ear it's in so far they have to knock him out to do it. I just don't have the money right now. SOOOOooo, the Vet gave us an ear drop we're going to put in his his ears, that hopefully will make the tick get out on his own.

And I seriously want to put a web cam on the street to show the sheriff's office just what kind of idiots drive on my street.

Christina RN LMT said...

At least that jackass didn't swerve to hit the KIDS! I'm sorry your pups are in pain. What about mineral oil down his ear? Won't that smother the tick and cause it to fall out?
Hope your doctor's appointment goes (went?) okay!