The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, February 27, 2012


I am fasting at the moment. In the morning I need to present myself to the local lab for various blood draws, urinate in the little cup and other assorted indignities. My Dr is concerned since I've lost 42 pounds since last year and I haven't been on a diet. However diabetes does run in my family. However again, I believe the answer is very simple. When you are in pain, you don't eat. As a sufferer of several herniated discs in my neck, middle and lower back I am in moderate to severe pain at all times. Therefore, I've gone days with just drinking water and diet coke and eating saltines to stave off hunger pangs. It's not too hard to understand. However in the a.m. I will start the process to determine if that is, in fact the case. I think afterward if Taco Bell is open I'll go pig out on a few 5 layer burritos.

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