The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chicago crime is getting out of hand.

It has already been out of hand for years, but this is taking it over the top.

"The Villaruel brothers hopped on the yellow school bus Friday morning as usual.

It stopped right in front of their South Deering house at about 7:45 a.m., and rolled out once Adrian, 11, and Oscar, 8, made their way to the back.

Their mom, Rosana Villaruel, was watching from the front door when everyone heard something snap"

How do the citizens of Chicago accept this? With more and more shootings and deaths every day, still they sit at home and say nothing.

It has gotten so bad Rahm Emmanuel has asked for Federal Agents to help police his city. And yet it evidently isn't so bad that he cannot send 50 Chicago Police Officers to the Democratic National Convention. Which is it Rahm? So ad you need help from the Federal Government or not so bad you actually sent 50 officers who are needed on the street of your city to a convention several states away.

And the residents of your city do nothing.

They don't march on city hall demanding that you do your job and secure their children's lives.

They don't protest in the streets about your fiscal mismanagement and the police manpower reductions you implemented.

Your city and you yourselves the so called leaders of Chicago are fools.

And you all deserve each other.

H/t Second City Cop

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