The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

How can a supposedly intelligent person

be so willingly stupid?

"Dianne Feinstein announced Wednesday that she’s re-entering the battle over gun control during her keynote speech to the California delegates to the Democratic National Convention."

As I've said before, just read the FBI Uniform crime Statistics.

Question: Where are the most violent crimes?

Answer: where the gun laws are the most restrictive.

It says that right in the FBI's own statistics.

But this isn't about crime. What Senator Feinstein will never ever tell you is that her desire to ban guns is about fear and control. She and her gun banning compatriots dont' really care about guns. They FEAR them and what they represent. To understand what they represent I will direct you to Marko's excellent piece which many have tried to claim credit for.

The Gun Is Civilization

Read that. I mean REALLY REALLY read that. Because that tells you a lot about why people like myself and many others get bent out of shape when some politician who is supposed to work for us, the citizens, instead begins to think they are above the law and can attempt to restrict our God given rights which are Guaranteed by the Constitution. Not given by the Constitution as they would try to make you believe, but Guaranteed by it.

The old saying "They fear that which they do not understand" is very true here. These politicians do not understand firearms, nor do they want to. Their innate fear of firearms requires they hold themselves in willing ignorance of them and their benefits and the reason for their existence in our political structure.

And therein lies the dilemma. They need to enforce their will and control upon us. And while we are armed, they cannot. So they try to slowly over time disarm us and vilify the very idea of weapons ownership. "Why do you need that nasty dangerous gun?", "You are 8 times more likely to be killed if you have a gun in your house.", "Meat is Murder." These are the lies they sell to the weak minded in order to make them their proxies in their war upon our rights. And for control of our political system. They weaken the Guarantees year by year, pushing just a little bit further each time, waiting for the reaction of the populace and then ridiculing those who react both publicly and through their proxies the media and the fools who are willingly ignorant of reality in exchange for instant gratification.

Once again, read the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, look at violent crime during the years of the last "Assault Weapon" ban. Which is ridiculous in itself as they only banned weapons for cosmetic reasons. they "Looked" dangerous, therefore they must be banned. But in those years the ban was in effect, look up where violent crime was the highest. And then look where it was the lowest. And also look to see which weapons WERE used in those violent crimes.

You will see that her "Assault Weapon" ban didn't do a single thing to reduce crime. It is documented in the FBI's own statistics. Except Senator Feinstein is once again willingly ignorant of the truth.

It doesn't fit her agenda.

ETA: Silicon Graybeard has more:

Dems want a new assault weapons ban

I strongly suggest clicking over and reading it. He pulls some of the stats for you.

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