The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Monday, September 10, 2012

SEO spamming

I have been hit with a few SEO spammers in my comments.  Now I know what these individuals are trying to do, however I don't like them trying to do it through my blog's comment section.

The latest one is Sarena William supposedly.  Here is here profile on Google Plus:

Note how all of her content appears to be firearm related, and yet the comment she left on my blog had what read like an anti-gun platform with a link to a supposedly pro-gun site.  Now I don't know this individual from Adam, but the profile image is a stock photo and the comment left used stilted grammar which leads me to believe that the person who left it doesn't speak english as their primary language.

What does all this mean? 

It means as I've said before.  I don't allow spamming of my comments with links unless the link is pertinent to the post the comment is being posted to.  If you are trying to sell something send me a message with the information about what you are trying to sell, and if I feel it is useful and affordable I'll write an actual post about it myself.


Or I will ridicule you in your own little post.

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