The Replica Prop Forum

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Two-State solution is impossible

as long as there is such intolerance and hatred as the following.

"Algemeiner: The clear majority of Palestinians polled – 60 percent, including 55 percent in the West Bank – say that their five year national goal should be “to work toward reclaiming all of historic Palestine from the river to the sea.”
Yes, despite the insistence of biased “experts” who claim that Palestinian Arabs support a two-state solution and only want peace with Israel, the fact is that a convincing majority explicitly say that the real goal is to eliminate Israel altogether.

Only 27 percent said the goal should be to “end the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza to achieve a two-state solution,” and 10 percent said, “The goal should be to work for a one-state solution in all of the land: a state in which Arabs and Jews will have equal rights in one country, from the river to the sea.”

Israel does want peace.  They don't mind the Two-State solution.  However they know that until such time as the intolerance of the radicalists is either reduced or eliminated there will be no prospect of peace.

The radicalist don't care if they start a world war, in fact many of them are actively trying to start one in their quest for total global domination by Islam in the great Caliphate.

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