The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Friday, October 16, 2015

Web Comics

I read a LOT of web comics.  I read LOTS of books.  I read a LOT of news sites.   Heck I just read a LOT.  However I went back to do an archive dive of one of the web comics I read and I came across this strip.

Last panel.  "When your choices are 'Live Free or Die' or 'No thanks, it cuts into my free time'.  It's not worth discussing"

THAT is what is wrong with our nation.  No one wants to give up their "Free Time" or be inconvenienced.

And for that, we have the mess our Nation is currently in.

BTW, the webcomic in question is "A Girl and her Fed".  It is a VERY Good comic.  The old artwork is being updated and replaced as the authoress gets time.

And would anyone be interested in me putting up a page of many of the web comics I read on a regular basis?  I would create a separate page, like I did the the KTD Project, UTD 1A Project, Survival Videos and Specialization.

Let me know in the comments.

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