The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Washington Post Reports Bloomberg Group Planned Deceptive Racially-Charged Attack Ads

"A hallmark of NRA, and one of the reasons we garner significant support from Americans across the political spectrum, is our sole dedication to issues pertaining to the right to keep and bear arms. To be sure, there are plenty of facets to our mission (hunting, Right-to-Carry, self-defense laws), but it is all connected to the American peoples' right to possess and use arms. With this comes a measure of honesty; everyone knows just what NRA stands for. Michael Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety on the other hand seems to think the merits of their anti-gun positions aren’t enough to win on, and in one Virginia Senate Race resorted to planning spurious attacks on their opponent that were wholly unrelated to the group's gun control mission.

In recent weeks Bloomberg has interjected himself and his exorbitant wealth into two Virginia state senate races. According to the Washington Post, Everytown allocated $1.5 million to run advertisements in the 29th Senate District race attacking pro-gun candidate Harry J. "Hal" Parrish II. The group allocated a further $700,000 for ads attacking pro-gun candidate Glen Sturtevant, who is running in the 10th Senate District."

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