"The hacker group known as "Anonymous" has announced it successfully penetrated multiple systems within the federal reserve bank, and successfully downloaded two crucial files: One showing an account number and the stocks owned by that account number, the other showing an account number and the name of the owner of that account. Without having BOTH files, no one could ever tell who owned what. Anonymous claims they stole BOTH files!
Anonymous says the federal reserve bank owns more than fifty percent of the stock in quite a few major US Corporations! If the fed had not purchased these vast quantities of stocks (Think Dow Jones Industrials (DJIA) and the S&P 500) both markets would have crashed long ago!"
This could be the start to the house of cards that is currently the world economy, to tumble on down.
If this information does get released, there could be some major problems for the current Administration. Just how much money was spent, and who authorized it?
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