The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

ReasonTV - Is Trump the End of the GOP? Hopefully

The GOP may wonder why people like me hope that Trump is the end of the GOP.  Well, let me tell you why.

We are tired of electing officials who promise to follow the will of the people who put them in office, then once they are in office they do what the party leadership tells them to do.  We are tired of the GOP caving in to the DNC's demands for "Compromise" that isn't real compromise.  Especially when the DNC NEVER compromises with the GOP.  We are tired of the backroom deals, where our "Rights" get trampled in the process.  We are tired of the over reach of the US Government Regulatory Agencies and the GOP's REFUSAL to exercise their authority to rein them in.

All this talk of "Purging" the GOP of Trump supporters is EXACTLY why I hope Trump wins the nomination.  The GOP forgets they work for "The People" not the Corporations and the Special Interest Groups.

So as much as I dislike Trump, I hope the GOP chokes on him.

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