The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Doctor Destroys the Entire COVID Narrative -

There are two very important videos that are being heavily censored this week on Big Tech platforms. The first is a video from Dr. Dan Stock who explains how the current measures to combat COVID-19 do not work. He spoke at the Mt. Vernon school board meeting and it's the most important and powerful video you will watch today. I encourage you not only to watch it yourself, but to also share the uncensored Gab TV link with a friend. 

Click Here To Watch The Video

The second video is from Senator (and Doctor) Rand Paul who has been one of the lone voices fighting back against the Oligarch false narratives about Covid since the pandemic began. In the video Senator Paul has one clear message: it's time for us to resist against this madness and he's absolutely right. I urge you to take a few minutes to watch his powerful and inspiring message. They can't arrest us all, but we all must stand together in unity against this madness. 

Click Here To Watch The Video

These two videos, along with several more that I will link below, are critically important to watch and share. Today the Pentagon announced that they will be requiring all Military service members to get the Covid vaccine. This confirms my reporting from last week, which beat every mainstream media outlet to the story, from the dozens of messages I received on Gab from Military service members who told me that they were being forced to take the vaccine.

For those of you who missed it, the New York Times and Facebook-funded "fact checkers" defamed me claiming that I was spreading "misinformation" for reporting these facts. Fast forward to today and they are all now reporting what I was reporting last week: Military service members are being forced to give up their bodily autonomy and go against their religious beliefs.

Perhaps the "journalists" at the New York Times are jealous that I am better at their job than they are and I do it in my spare time to keep people informed. If you are in the Military or have a friend or family member in the Military, you may be interested in the religious exemption documents we published last week. 

Below are several uncensored videos on this topic that I hope you'll find helpful. I've heard from so many of you who are afraid, anxious, and unsettled by what is happening in our world today. Please know that I am praying for you all and that I have faith in God's Plan to use this time of trial and tribulation to draw us closer to Him. 

God bless you,

Andrew Torba
Jesus is King

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CDC: The Vaccine doesn't stop transmission of the virus

Click Here To Watch


Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated

Click Here To Watch


Pandemic of the Vaccinated: How Ineffective Vaccines Can Lead to Deadlier Variants

Click Here To Watch


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