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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Oregon Activists Launch Effort to Derail Gun Law as Portland Murders Climb -

U.S.A.-( As homicides in Portland, Oregon climb toward setting a new record, a group of grassroots gun rights activists have launched a campaign called “Responsible Response” to possibly reverse a new restrictive gun control law scheduled to take effect late next month by putting it on the ballot in November 2022.

According to a recent guest column in the Blue Mountain Eagle, Senate Bill 554—signed by anti-gun Democrat Gov. Kate Brown in June—requires that guns be locked up at all times they are not being carried or under the control of the owner. Beaver State activist gun owners are not happy about this, and the Responsible Response effort is their attempt to derail the law. They filed Referendum Petition 301 with the Oregon Secretary of State. It requires 74,680 signatures of registered voters by Sept. 25 to qualify, and according to guest columnist Richard F. LaMountain, if they get those signatures “the bill’s enactment will be delayed pending the vote’s outcome.”

“To sign the petition,” LaMountain wrote, “go to and print, sign and mail a single-signature petition to the listed address. Or come to the Grant County Fair between Aug. 11 and Aug. 14 and sign a petition at the Responsible Response booth in the Trowbridge Pavilion.”

It may be possible to gather the required signatures, considering the bad publicity Portland’s body count is receiving. The Rose City appears in chaos. According to the Portland Oregonian, as of Sunday, the city had logged 58 homicides, surpassing the number posted for the entire year of 2020, which ended with 55 slayings.

Click the link to read the whole article:   Activists Launch Effort to Derail Gun Law


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