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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

“Wrong Man for the Job” ATF Nominee Chipman Facing Fresh Allegations -

U.S.A. -( April may be the cruelest month, but August isn’t looking so great for David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Your NRA-ILA recently published an alert on Chipman’s work promoting ShotSpotter, Inc., a surveillance tool for local governments that critics call “useless, expensive, racist technology.”

Since then, reports have emerged that Chipman failed to disclose in his Senate questionnaire his interview with a Chinese state-run network, CCTV, and broadcast by CGTN (China Global Television Network) America – a network described as “an arm of China’s propaganda machine… controlled by the Communist Party.”

Among other things, the questionnaire requires the nominee to “[l]ist all interviews you have given to newspapers, magazines or other publications, or radio or television stations, providing the dates of these interviews and four (4) copies of the clips or transcripts of these interviews where they are available to you.” Chipman notes, at page 18, that the list represents his best efforts “to identify all interviews given, including through a review of my personal files, and searches of publicly available electronic databases” but that the list might fail to include material that he was “unable to identify, find, or remember.”

The December 15, 2012 interview, still posted on YouTube at the time of writing, is titled “David Chipman on Connecticut School Shooting: What Can Be Done Now?

During the interview, Chipman discusses the Sandy Hook shootings and the need to “find meaning” in the killings by enacting gun control legislation. Chipman claims that “right now, in the U.S., 40 % of gun sales occur in this country without any background check,” a claim that has been thoroughly debunked – in fact, shortly after Chipman’s interview, the Washington Post’s fact-checker gave then-President Obama three “Pinocchios” for claiming that 40 percent of firearms are sold without a background check. Chipman follows up by ignoring the federal law that prohibits persons who have been adjudicated as mentally ill, asking, “shouldn’t we check to make sure someone doesn’t have a mental health history before acquiring a gun?”

Click the link to read the whole article:   Chipman Facing Fresh Allegations

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