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Monday, July 24, 2023

Texas Wants FCC Rule Limiting Amateur Radio Dialed Back - Ham Radio 2.0

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

I have been a ham since around 1972, when there was still a novice class, CW only and such. I have seen the FCC do a lot of things over the years, presumably to protect the hobby and it's service aspect. But one would have to be sort of out of things to not realize that radio spectrum is valuable, and that there has always been pressure to take it from Amateur Radio and sell it to businesses for things back then television and radio, and now cell phone towers and even future digital operations.
I have never gotten into the digital part of the hobby, but it is obvious that it is the future of much of the hobby, other than the service portion. I think that good old analog, to include CW, will always have a place in emergency. Whether or not we will continue to be allowed to have access to radio spectrum remains to be seen.