The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Harry Reid's Bain Investor

Harry Reid states on the record that he spoke to an unnamed Bain Investor and that this unnamed investor claims Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes.

Here is my question.

If this individual knew of that, why didn't he report him to the IRS? The same IRS that offer rewards for such activity. Also why hasn't the IRS stepped in? Why is there no media reports of the IRS now investigating Mitt Romney's past returns?

Because the IRS knows Mitt paid his taxes. they know Harry Reid is talking out of his rectal orifice, and this is a slam job against Mitt Romney. The only reason this is out in the media is because Obama and the Democrats are losing. And they know it. They are trying to fire up the remains of their base, and obfuscate their own record, by disparaging Mitt Romney's record, and destroying his credibility.

They know they cannot run on Obama's record, they know the only way they have any reasonable chance to win a second term is to make Romney and any Republican out to be a criminal who is stealing from citizens of this country either from not paying taxes or graft.

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