The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Average police response time

in the United States is 11 minutes.

Eleven minutes

Watch the video below.  It is 11 minutes and 1 second long.

That is how long a possibly violent criminal has to severely harm or kill you or your family.

It takes less than 3 minutes for a woman to be raped.

Less than 2 minutes to strangle someone.

Less than 1 minute to stab someone.

Less than 10 seconds to shoot someone.

Eleven Minutes before the police can get there.  If you were even able to dial 911.

Eleven minutes while your or your family is trying to hide or fight for your lives.

In Detroit we have this:

"One of the many statistics that Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr used to support Detroit's filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy was a shocker that quickly made international news: Detroit police take an average of 58 minutes to respond to emergency calls, compared with a national average of 11 minutes. "

Average response time 58 minutes.

Are you going to let the criminals take or kill what they feel like?  Or are you going to defend yourself and your family?

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