The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Democratic National Committee in action

Kenny aka Wirecutter, has a perfect example of how Democrats have suckered blacks/hispanics and liberals.

I won't poach his video, but you really need to go over there and watch the video.

When there’s just too damned many to shoot

The DNC has suckered the black and hispanic communities with "Free Stuff" and "Other Peoples Money", and like it shows in the video, they are now TRAPPED. And they have no way to get out and improve themselves.

The "Entitlement Mentality", "Free Stuff", "Section 8", "Welfare", the Democrat Party has used all those as bait to bring the minority communities into the fold. and then they trap them there.

With "Common Core", "Black Lives Matter", "Hands Up, Don't Shoot".

They are so brainwashed, they cannot see the invisible cage, trapping them in their own repression by the Democrat Party.

It's not the GOP or the Libertarian Party, repressing them.  It is their own so called "Community Leaders".

Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid.  They use the Black and Hispanic communities as their own personal Fiefdom.  Handing out bribes, to bait the people in.  then trapping them and their children in a system of dependence and poverty.  Always targeting their anger on those who want to uplift all communities.  Not just one.

Until the Black and Hispanic Communities actually SEE the chains of Race Slavery that the Democrats have put on them, there will truly be no peace for them.

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