The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, September 22, 2016

0100 and I hear a noise

The dogs aren't going nuts so I know it isn't a stranger.  I still reach for my nightstand pistol as I hear a knock on my bedroom door.  I ask who it is and I hear the voice of my second eldest daughter, Sprog #2, asking if she can come in.

She is SUPPOSED to be in Seguin at TLU, not here at home, so I start to worry something is wrong.

Nope.  Nothing is wrong, except she and several of her friends rescued a small little kitten.

Say Hello to Meryl.

My daughter cannot keep pets in her dorm, so instead of leaving this poor little kitten to stay out in the parking lot of the grocery store.  She drove it 150 miles to the one place she KNOWS it will be taken care of.  You can see the lid to the can of tuna I opened for her.  She drank off most of the juice, then I gave the rest to my other two cats, Ghost and  Xena, and the dogs.  Sprog #2 was sent back to my Ex's place to say hello to her mother, and then told to go back to school, as she has class in a little under 7 hours.  And it's still a 3.5 hour drive back to school.

Oh well.  I guess I have another roommate now.

I'm going to read the E-ARC of David Weber's new book, Shadow of Victory, for a bit longer, then I'm going to sleep.

Tomorrow, I'll call the vet and setup an appointment for little Meryl to get checked out.

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