The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kevin at Hillbuzz deals with a possible Troll or Plant

"Dear HillBuzz,

Romney is definitely not my first choice. I like Cane. But what are you going to do if he does get nominated? Any of the Republican candidates is much better than Obama, including even Ron Paul with his isolationist/McGovern-like foreign policy. I’d like to remind you of Reagan’s “11th commandment”: never speak ill of a fellow Republican. Right now all these attacks on Romney make it much easier for Obama to win, should Romney get the nomination. Ultimately we all want Obama to lose in 2012. So, he is the one we need to attack. People were saying that McCain or Hillary were Obama-light. But any “Obama-light” would be infinitely better than “Obama-full version”


As usual go RTWT

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