The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Remember I posted about listening to my scanner a lot?

This story is one of the reasons why:

"AREA 3 (Kiii News) - Border Patrol agents said drug dealers are coming up with some pretty interesting ways to smuggle drugs into our country.

In fact, agents are seeing larger and more frequent dope seizures."

I originally started listening to my scanner after finding out about Narco Subs, Here Are More stories about Narco subs, note there are 3 links there. I had heard that the crew of one Narco sub was captured down by Brownsville, and another up by Houston. Since I live about 40 miles north of Corpus Christi, and less than 150 yards from a bay that leads right out into the Gulf of Mexico, there exists a possibility, small though it is, but a possibility that one of those Narco subs could conceivably pull in near my house. My Family could be endangered. Hence I listen to the scanner. The Local authorities, the State frequencies, Federal frequencies, Coast Guard and Navy frequencies. I notice however that there is very little if any reports about these Narco subs on my local news stations. Nothing on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS. Nothing...

So since I KNOW that the drug cartels won't stop, and I KNOW the media either isn't being told by the Government, or doesn't think it's important enough to report on. I listen to my scanner and short wave receiver. That is how I heard a LOT of encrypted traffic on Navy and Coast Guard frequencies, and how every once in a while I hear traffic in the clear which is very confusing.

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.

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