The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Delaware Police State is Fact not Fiction

"In an altercation between the officer and Rogers, a scuffle ensued with officer Morgan attempting to use a taser on Rogers. When that didn’t work the officer discharged nine rounds from his weapon, five of them striking Rogers, two of the the rounds striking him in the groin area."

Further down in the story we find out.

"They are holding Mr. Rogers incommunicado at Bebee Hospital in critical but stable condition, and are lying to family and friends as to his whereabouts. This is the first indication of a “Police State.” To be held incommunicado with no communication with the press or an attorney, is not only a violation of Mr. Rogers civil rights but it sets a dangerous precedence for all citizens to be aware of."

I think several people need to be #1 FIRED and #2 Charged with State and Federal Civil Rights Violations.

H/t  Kenny and Wisco Dave


Anonymous said...

Bullshit! That cop did his job! Maybe Rogers should of just listened and not be a jackass! I doubt these bleeding heart liberals ever have ever been in a situation where their life was in danger to the point where deadly force was necessary!

Anonymous said...

Fuck your approval system! Now you're violating my civil rights to free speech!

Mark/GreyLocke said...

My blog, my rules. If you don't like it don't comment. All I ask is you watch your language as my family reads my blog. And you have shown that you have the manners of a guttersnipe. No one is making you read my blog and no one is making you comment.

If you don't like it start your own blog and quit hiding behind anonymity.

Mark/GreyLocke said...

Also the Constitution says the GOVERNMENT shall not infringe on your right to free speech. It doesn't say anything about private citizens. Re-read the Constitution and educate yourself.