The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Sunday, August 4, 2013

During the next Pandemic or outbreak

are we going to have freedom of movement?

Many conspiracy theorists say that there are "FEMA Camps", and stealth walls around major cities to keep people in or out.  How much truth is there to that?  Don't discard what they say outright, because some of what they say has some kernel of truth to it.  The problem is finding that kernel.

"During infectious disease outbreaks, personal freedom comes at a price: the welfare of the public as a whole, a new study finds.

In the research, scientists investigated whether, in the event of an outbreak, people should be allowed to move about freely or if authorities should enforce travel restrictions to halt the disease's spread."

Oh and about those "Stealth Walls"  Look around a major city, you will see "Noise Abatement walls"  Just how tall and how thick are those things?

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