The Replica Prop Forum

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Found through Borepatch - School Resegregation

"The problem could be solved in about ten minutes by having separate schools for boys, grade school through high school, with male teachers only and a death penalty for even uttering the word “Ritalin.” 

Yup since more and more studies show that boys are getting the short end of the stick from female teachers and educators.  Let's take them out of the equation. Boys go to school SPECIFICALLY for boys.  They don't get drugged up because the teacher doesn't want to deal with them.  Too much energy?  Lets run a few laps around the track.  Still too much energy?  How about some wrestling in the gym with protective gear.  Want to fight another boy after school?  Let's take it to the gym and get in the boxing ring, again with full protective gear.  Want some easy phone it in class that is about your "Feelings", get a sex change.

This is one of the problems.  Boys are NOT allowed to be Boys.  They are being forced to be NotMale.  Medicated, told they are no good, held to a different standard of knowledge and behavior.

And what has it gotten us?

All you need to do is to look at the crime rate for juveniles to see that. 

Granted there are some boys AND Girls that DO need medication, however according to some of the Medical Journals I've been looking at more kids are being medicated because the teachers and family members just don't want to deal with the kids.

We've taken away spanking when kids do wrong, and try to "Understand" them.  We try not to "Hurt their egos" through discipline.  I'm sorry but when I screwed up, I got my butt whacked and I deserved it.  Did it hurt my "ego"?  No.  It taught me NOT to do whatever I had done to get the spanking.

Recess in schools is being lessened if not taken away.  How are kids going to burn off all that energy other than by acting up in class?

We are graduating kids that cannot read or write because they know what the test answers are, because that is ALL that they have been taught.

Our kids are getting into trouble more because they aren't being disciplined and think they can get away with anything.  And until they turn 18 or commit a violent crime, they are right.

There are gangs IN OUR KIDS SCHOOLS.  Because there is more money spent on teacher conferences on how to "Connect" with students and how NOT to hurt their little fweewings, than there is on actual education and security. 

Our kids don't have the materials they NEED to learn.  Not enough textbooks, not enough computers, hard science classes are being removed from the curriculum because of lack of funds and insurance regulations. 

And yet school administrators get 6 figure salaries, drive brand new cars paid for by the school district, have credit cards paid for by the school district.  Go to conferences and seminars, paid for by the school district.

The schools have more employees per student but less than half of them are actual teachers or teachers aides.

The problem ISN'T the students.  It is the system.

H/t Borepatch

Added Isegoria to the blogroll

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