The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let's have an honest conversation on Race

"President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have said on numerous occasions that America needs an “honest conversation” on racial issues. An “honest conversation” is the last thing these PC leftists want. They want to further their agenda by blaming America’s trouble on “evil white men” while excusing the violence, ignorance, and irresponsibility of too many minorities."

 Read that entire post.  If people want to have an honest conversation on Race then they need to acknowledge the fact that Black Racism Against Whites is REAL.  They need to acknowledge the Black on Black Crime is KILLING almost an entire Generation of young blacks.  They need to acknowledge that certain people DON'T really care about the issue but are using it for their own ends and needs.

Until they acknowledge those FACTS, not suppositions, not wishful thinking, FACTS,  there can be no Real Honest Conversation on Race in America.

H/t B

Post Script: some links in the comments section of the above linked article.  I think you might want to check them out.

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