The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Thursday, August 8, 2013

This is happening in Texas?

And the Sheriff STILL has a job?

"Waco, Texas police plan to search apartments to ‘prevent crime’, and invade the very most personal space of these citizens. They will look for whatever criminal activity, perhaps some cannabis, and apparently look at doors, fire alarms, and other ‘safety’ features, used as an excuse to barge in."

Found through Kenny and Wisco Dave

1 comment:

Groundhog said...

Sadly, we have quite a bit of freedom hating totalitarians in office in this state. It's one of the reasons I fear if we ever become independent, we are as likely to have a worse govt. than a better one. The gradual nature of how this stuff became standard practice ensures that the only way to resist it now will result in bloodshed.