The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Any of my .GOV reader wish to comment on this?

The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a “country within a country.”

Info for that article came from the following article.

"Task Force began meeting until Jan – Feb 2015, when a series of three (3) listening sessions was conducted to gather information for the preparation of a report due to the president by March 2015.

During the three listening sessions, it was disclosed that representatives of the white house and all cabinet members as well as immigrant groups would share information to be included in the report.

Some of the information exchanged was:

Immigrants should be viewed as seedlings to be planted in fertile soil to grow. The fertile soil was equated to the “receiving communities” which would be those communities the illegal aliens are now living in, but once out of the shadows, these communities become welcoming or receiving communities.

Others commented that these same communities would be viewed as “emergent immigrant communities”

As a listener on the call, it was easy to logically see how these communities would welcome immigrants out of the shadows, but also, it could be construed that the host community members might well be relegated into the shadows. In essence, the seedlings consume the host and what was once the original community is transformed."

I don't really want to borrow a friends car and drive 75 miles away to run a Linux/TOR machine from a WiFi Hotspot, to e-mail a bunch of people to ask them about this if it's simple paranoia.

1 comment:

KurtP said...

But I thought we dropped down from 18 million illegals on Jan 2009 to 11 million at the drop of a presidential oath?

Are we going to have to import more for this?