The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Evidently Reality TV is trying to come calling

A few weeks back I got an e-mail from someone hawking a new "Reality" tv show.

They didn't reply to my last e-mail.  After all would you?  If someone pointed out that you are asking a Firearm Centric blog about "Everyday people" especially with how other "Reality" shows have treated the firearms community, would you really expect an answer?

However SINCE then, I have been getting 2-3 hits a week from someone at Bunim-Murray Productions.  A Production Company that SPECIALIZES in "Reality" tv.

As you can see, they ALL come from Kenny's Blog.  How much is this me just looking at "Reality" tv in a bad light?  And how much is me being too overly suspicious of any TV show that is more about sensationalism, than reality.

I am still extremely leery of any TV show after I participated in what was supposed to be an Emergency Preparedness Show and when they refused to let my lawyer have a copy of the contract, and as soon as I mentioned giving it to my lawyer they "Dis-invited" me and demanded the contract back.  I should have kept it, I only got to page 3 of it and it didn't look right to me, hence my asking to give it to my lawyer.  I was quickly shown the door.


wirecutter said...

Hey, don't be blaming this on me!

Mark/GreyLocke said...

Not blaming you sir, just figured that they might be going through your blog to try to find Suc.... Ah Participants, yeah, Participants.

I know if they asked you, you'd tell them where to go in a heartbeat. And give them directions as well.

Jennifer said...

I got this one too. Ignored it. I agree with you here. No way am I going on 'Reality TV'