The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Alfonzo Rachel - Scott Ott - Radical Islam Is the Religion of Intolerance - Shut Up Pam Geller

More "Elites" attacking others for believing things.

Either the Constitution says and means what it does, or it doesn't.

And for all of those people who are saying that Pam Geller shouldn't have done what she did, and that she needs to shut up, We're Citizens of the United States Of America.  A Republic, NOT a DEMOCRACY like you try to lie to yourselves and everyone else.  A REPUBLIC.  Which means that EVERYONE has the same Rights.  And if you think you get to tell me or others to shut up because you don't like what I or they say.  Well then, you are in the WRONG Nation.

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