The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Saturday, September 5, 2015

I hate living near a tourist town

I live about six miles from two tourist trap towns.  They sit right next to each other, and while I get mail service from one, my fire department is from the other one. 

My daughter asked me to take her to her job in town and I figured sure, I would be able to drop off my prescriptions and get some groceries.

Let me detail first just getting to my daughters job.  When I got to the four way stop and there were over 18 vehicles waiting to go through the intersection, THAT should have been my first clue to just give up and go back home.  However my daughter really does need to go to her job.  Responsibility you know.

So I get her dropped off at work and after just fighting the traffic to even turn into her place of employment I said the heck with it and drove out the back to take the back way to the pharmacy and the grocery store.

The back way wasn't so bad, a few more cars than normal.  I turn down the street to get to the pharmacy and all that changed.  There was a line of cars maybe 5 or 6 just to turn into the parking lot.  Okay, I can deal with this.  I get up make my turn, and pull up to the empty pullup window at the pharmacy.  Do you remember before ObamaCare where you would get your scrips from your Doctor and take them to the pharmacy and just hand them over?  Even if you had several MONTHS worth of prescriptions?  Just hand them all over and when it was time for you to pick up your next prescription the nice people at the pharmacy would call you to let you know?  Well they are no longer allowed to do that now.  According to my scrips they couldn't be filled before the 5th, TODAY.  I hand them over and I"m told that "NO!" I can't drop them off until the 8th!  That is when the computer says they can fill my scrip.  They can't hold on to it and just fill it on the 8th, NO!  I have to come back on the 8th hand it to them and wait a day or so for them to fill it and make ANOTHER trip in to town to pick it up.  Before ObamaCare, I'd just hand them all of my scrips and they would call me when to come pick them up.  Easy Peasy.

So I left the pharmacy and went to the grocery store.  Yeahhhhh...

Another line just to get into the grocery stores parking pot.  I got into the lot and I drove the aisles trying to find a good spot.  I'm disabled, have steel plates, screws and rods holding my spine and leg together and I have several other herniated discs and walk with a cane, so you bet your bippy I have handicapped plates.  The next aisle over I see a car backing out of one of the handicapped spots so I turn into the aisle only for a jacked up Ford Excursion, by jacked up I mean 4X4 about 5 feet in the air with tires almost as tall as my little S-10 pickup, pull into the recently vacated handicapped spot.


The driver of the Excursion "JUMPED" down out of that monstrosity, and ran in to the store.  Jumped meaning he jumped from almost 5 feet up, down to the pavement.  He sure didn't look disabled or handicapped in any way.  But he DID have a Handicapped Placard hang tag hanging from his rearview mirror.  I drove around for a few more minutes and finally got a space near one of the cart corrals.  I'm glad there were carts in it as I was going to need one to lean on to walk the almost 100 yards to the doors of the store.

So I'm parked, out of my S-10, leaning over and on a shopping cart slowly making my way to the doors.  I almost get run down, backed over and into about a dozen times in the lot.  I got honked at, cussed at and even threatened because I can't move fast enough for them evidently.  It took me about 15 minutes just to navigate the parking lot to the doors.  About the time I FINALLY gt to the doors the guy who was driving the Excursion came out with both of his arms just full of 12 packs of beer.  It looked like he had at least 6 12 packs of Corona bottles, one in each hand and two under each arm.  Sure looked handicapped to me.   NOT!

I finally get into the store and almost turned right around and left.  It was FULL.  And not just FULL but full of Tofu Yoghourt & Granola munchers. You know who I'm talking about.  The croc wearing, polo shirt wearing, plaid shorts wearing, sunglasses on inside with their preppy looking billed cap turned around backwards, Ambercrombie & Fitch wearing mom unit with her identical A&F wearing daughters with fake tans, bleached hair talking on their I Phones.  While Dad is dressed like his son trying to look cool but he's wearing a Rolex or Tag-Huer.


What should have taken me 15 minutes took me almost an hour and over half of the stuff I wanted to buy was sold out.

Fresh Mangoes?  None.  Fresh Papaya?  None.  Strawberries?  None.  Brisket?  None.  Chicken or Pork Fajita meat?  None.  Sliced Black Olives?  None.  Maple or Hickory Smoked Bacon?  None.

I was just lucky there was still two loaves of Rye Bread.  But there was NO Kings Hawaiian.  And NO Whole Grain Wheat.  The bakery usually has five for a dollar rolls and I normally get 15 of them as they are good for making sandwiches.  There were THREE rolls left.  The bakery makes several HUNDRED of these rolls EVERY DAY.  I asked the bakery lady and she said they ran out of the rolls they usually keep back thirty minutes before.  And it wasn't even 5:00 yet.

I got the LAST gallon of 2% milk, only to find there were NO frozen french fries or onion rings AT ALL.  No frozen Corn Cobettes, NO Frozen Green Beans or Corn or Mixed Vegetables.  Only THREE small bags of frozen broccoli.

I talked to the Grocery Manager and she told me that they already have two trucks on the way from San Antonio and a third will be coming in tonight as well.

Checking out was a NIGHTMARE!!

EVERY REGISTER was open.  And people were trying to go through the 20 items or less registers with 30+ items CONSTANTLY.

And there were quite a few snide remarks about my kilt.  Nevermind my shirt EXPLAINS why.

YES, I HAVE and WEAR the shirt.

Buncha Tofu Yoghurt & Granola eating Idjits.

It took 20 minutes just to get up to the belt to unload my cart and yet I STILL couldn't unload because the kids of the TY&G Eater in front of me were fighting over who could have what kind of candy and acting like 10 kinds of brats.  If they had been my kids they would have gotten their butts put in Front Leaning Rest right there in the store.  You can ask the ladies there.  I've done that to my kids IN THE STORE.  I will NOT put up with that nonsense.  I finally got up, unloaded my cart and got checked out.  The young lady who had bagged my order saw I was having some issues right then and offered to help me out to my S-10.  I took her up on her offer.  All of the young people who work there are kind to a fault and extremely courteous and dutiful, which is why I continue to shop there.  We got to my truck loaded all of my groceries in the bed and the young lady wished me a pleasant day and took my cart back inside.  Almost getting run over in the process by another TY&G Eater.

You can tell most of them are from the Austin Area from the UT Austin, St Edwards and Concordia Stickers.  Plus the majority are HIGH dollar cars and SUV's like the Excursion I referenced above.  It took me almost as long to back out of my space than it did just to find it in the first place.  I KNOW my reverse lights work, I even changed the bulbs last month because one burned out so I replaced both of them.  That didn't matter until one of PD's officer's blocked the aisle so I could back out of my space.  Thank you Officer.  Getting out of the parking lot was just as large of an exercise in frustration that my entire shopping experience was.  I seriously want to get the light bar out of the shed and mount it on my S-10 and order a new siren for it as well.

Finally OUT of the parking lot from HADES, I took the back way home even though it added 4 miles on to my trip home.  Got home, had the boys unload the truck and put away the groceries and I realized I FORGOT to get a block of Sharp Cheddar and a block of Colby Cheese.

They can wait.  Or I'll see if I can con my ex-wife to get it for me tomorrow.  "I" am NOT going back into town if I can help it until Tuesday.

And as I am sitting here typing this up, both the PD and the Sheriff's Office are calling in the night shift early.  there are FIVE medical calls when we only have THREE Ambulances for the whole County and someone just called in that there is a bunch of gunshots.

And the Coast Guard is hopping as well, both helicopters are up and they have requested the Navy to put up their SAR choppers as well.  The Cutter is out as are all of the RHIB's.

Can this weekend be over all ready?

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