"Back in the late 90s, I was on my first night patrol after having just gotten back from a gun class out of State. Along about 0500 Dispatch called, "Dispatch, Car 12."
The 0500 calls are always interesting, so I admit to some anticipation, "Go ahead."
"1100 Possum Drive, 911 call, report of a possible prowler."
I sighed. 1100 Possum Drive was a nice, middle-aged lady divorcee who called in a prowler about three times a week. Said prowler always being brush rubbing the siding on her house, or a cat, or the wind.
"10-4, en route."
I pulled up in front of the residence, and I can see the Reporting Party in the bay window, still clutching her cordless phone, and pointing frantically to the back of the house.
I admit to a well-concealed sigh, waved at her, and then began making my way around the outside of the house, no doubt to spend several minutes peering into the dark.
Imagine my surprise when I turned the back corner into the backyard and came nose to snout with a bloody huge feral hog. I remember well -- in the middle of that startle-response adrenaline dump -- seeing the bristles fly up on his chest. Kind of like he had just gotten centre-punched with a Winchester 127-grain +P+ 9mm. Like the kind I carried in my P7."
I know of several boars that were killed with an old Colt Police Positive .38 Special, not even +p ammo, but plain simple 158 gr LRN. I also know of a few boars who were NOT taken down after being shot with a .460 Weatherby.
Shot placement is the key.
For all that though. My ribcage is still hurting from laughing so hard reading LD's account.
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