The Replica Prop Forum

The Replica Prop Forum
Very cool site I am also a member of

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Blogging about guns can be expensive

I am trying to put out more original content, that is content that I generate, not video's from other bloggers, links to other bloggers or that stuff.

As such, in the last 8 months, I've purchased 2 different video cameras, 3 digital cameras, several tripods, monopods, camera mount clamps, and other assorted errata.  Including extra batteries, protective camera cases, body mounts, bags, chargers and other stuff.

I just went through my Paypal and, account history and added up what I have spent just on photographic gear and accessories since July of last year.  Let's just say it's north of $1,000.  Not including purchasing firearms, a chronograph, and ammunition, which is north of $3,000.

Hopefully, two new pieces of equipment will get here in the next 2 weeks which will allow me to use these new cameras properly.

I've ordered a wireless microphone setup, while not the greatest, it should cut down on the wind noise that has plagued the majority of my videos making it so the only things you can hear are the gun shots and my very muffled voice.

I have several hours of stuff which I cannot use because the sound is garbage and my editing software is even worse.  I won't use the language my editing software deserves, to be used to describe it.

If anyone has any suggestions for an inexpensive video editing software that works with .MP4, .AVI, .MOV, .MPG, .MPEG, .GPP, .GP3 and several other formats, please let me know in the comments or send me an e-mail.

Also I would like to make an opening clip to use on all of my video's, but everything I've tried looks and sounds like dinosaur dung.

So any help would be appreciated.

And please don't tell me to use Windows Movie Maker or Windows Live Movie Maker.  Those two programs are the bane of my existence.  They work fine on editing my kids performances, but when it comes to the wind noise and using multiple sounds tracks they are GARBAGE!

Good Night.  I have to get up at 0500 CDT which means I need to get up in less than 4 hours.

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